Does eating testicles increase testosterone: 3 reasons why not!

Does eating testicles increase testosterone is a new trend due to carnivore-like individuals such as Liver King and Paul Saladino.

But why not? What if there was a “natural” way to consume more testosterone that could potentially boost your own testosterone?

  • Didn’t warriors eat testicles before going to battle? or
  • Ancient Olympic dopers pre-games for a hormone boost? or
  • Lovers before hanky panky?

Even if it was so, was it worth it?

Hans here! I increased my testosterone to 1254ng/dl and have been maintaining high T naturally. I’ve turned myself into an Alpha Energy Male.

An Alpha Energy Male with high energy, fast recovery, high sex drive, and confidence.

This is why I research obsessively, experiment and write, and have been doing so for the past decade.

Hope you enjoy and join me on this journey.

Why do we want to be an alpha energy male?

Being an alpha energy male is synonymous with possessing both high testosterone levels and abundant energy. Consequently, the question arises: what exactly is the significance of having elevated testosterone and energy levels?

Because high T and energy make us feel incredible and powerups our motivation, drive, confidence, and sexual function.

A life without high T and energy isn’t a life worth living.

Animal testicles go by many names:

  • Montana tendergroin (my favorite)
  • Calf fries or lamb fries
  • American west
  • Prairie oysters
  • Rocky mountain oysters
  • Cowboy Caviar
  • and more

Eating testicles has been done for many centuries to support manhood, increase vitality and enhance sports performance. Famous people doing so include Vince Gironda back in the 1940s and more recently, Liver King and Paul Saladino.

Vince Gironda Liver King Paul Saladino bull testicles testosterone

Eating raw testicles is done for many reasons, namely:

  • Increasing testosterone production by providing cofactors
  • Boosting low testosterone levels by providing testosterone itself
  • Improving sexual health and low sex drive
  • Assisting with erectile dysfunction
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Improve sperm production, sperm quality and sperm motility
  • Increase body weight in those who are underweight

Testosterone in high concentrations is really important and plays a dominant role in the body, such as increasing muscle mass, bone density, insulin sensitivity, improving mood, well-being and sexual function and lowering fat mass just to name a few. But eating testicles isn’t a good way to achieve that.

Here are 3 reasons why bull testicles won’t increase testosterone

#1 Testosterone isn’t stored in the testes

Here are some claims made by testicle supp sellers: “With trace amounts, testicles are the richest food source of testosterone and have been eaten by men throughout the ages…
Studies revealed that testosterone is an influencer of protein formation, muscle function, basal metabolism and red-blood-cell formation…
In many early cultures, wisdom held that eating the organs from healthy animals had a fortifying and healing effect on the equivalent part of our own bodies.” (R)

Unlike other glands, the testes don’t store a large amount of testosterone. The daily testosterone production of an adult man of about 6–8 mg, which is contained in roughly 1 kg of (bull) testes (the average testicular supplement contains 1.5g of powder).

The testes aren’t like the thyroid for example. The thyroid gland stores a large amount of its hormones, so when a hypothyroid individual takes desiccated thyroid, his own T4 and T3 go up. This is not the same with testicles.

Do testicles produce testosterone?

Yes, but the amount found in testicles is 6-8mg per 1kg or 6-8mcg in 1g testicle powder. Yes…6 to 8 micrograms (do you know how little a microgram is?).

Does eating testicles increase testosterone?

No, because testicles only have a few micro- to milligram amounts, which will never be enough to boost your testosterone.

oral testosterone gel cap

#2 Oral testosterone has very poor bioavailability

When powdered testosterone is taken orally, most of it is cleared by the liver (about 7% bioavailability (R)). Meaning, the liver deactivates it and excretes it.

This is why pharma companies have created multiple oral testosterone formulations dissolved in oil so that it’s taken up by the lymphatic system, instead of going to the liver (increasing bioavailability to 97%).

Unmodified testosterone (like the one your testicular Leydig cells produce) has a half-life of about 30 minutes. When it becomes modified by adding a fatty acid (e.g. testosterone undecanoate) the effects last about 6-12 hours. So, you still need 200-300mg x2 daily to get your own levels high enough to feel good.

Oral Testosterone bioavailability

200mg oral T increases your T to about 18nmol/L and 300mg increases it to 35nmol/L (1000ng/dl) (R).

Additionally, even with a 200-300mg (modified testosterone) dose that bypasses the liver, the testosterone formulation only increases your testosterone for up to 6 hours. Sucky I know.

Bull testicles increase testosterone

#3 Testicles are a poor source of nutrients

Testicles are thought to be a good source of cholesterol, vitamins such as vitamins A and E, minerals such as zinc and amino acids such as taurine.

Based on this website from a company in central Australia that sells grass-fed beef testicle capsules: “It’s packed with vitamins A, D, E and K, Vitamin B12, and other vital nutrients. And it supports those with testicular problems.

So their main argument why eating testicles is good is because they contain nutrients. I haven’t found 1 study examining the nutritional content of testes. But I can show you the nutritional content of other amazing foods, such as liver, eggs, oysters, kidney, dairy, etc. And I can guarantee you that the amount of nutrients you’d get from these foods are vastly superior to the amounts you would get in testicles.

Beef liver is an excellent source of CoQ10 and other anti-oxidants, vitamin A, E, K2, and all the B vitamins as well as many other minerals, such as zinc, selenium, copper, etc. Bone marrow is extremely rich in vitamin E and K2. Dairy is high in almost every single nutrient as well as other beneficial fatty acids, such as odd-chain and branch-chain fatty acids. Same for eggs.

Eating testicles for the “nutrients” is a poor reason IMO.

Related article:

MOFO testicle supplement to boost testosterone

What about the supplement MOFO from Ancestral Supplements, which contains testes, heart, liver, prostate, and bone marrow?

MOFO liver king testicles testosterone

Looks like the perfect combo based on what I wrote above, right? But again, the amounts of those organs found in that supplement are so small that it’s unlike to make a difference.

Unless you’re on a lab rat diet consisting only of casein, cornstarch, soy oil and a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement with zero real foods, then yes. Otherwise, highly unlikely to make much of a difference.

In summary: Will eating bull testicles increase my testosterone?

Eating bull testicles, cooked or raw, will not increase testosterone. This is because it contains only trace amounts of testosterone, which the liver will detox immediately.

Even if the tiny amount of testosterone found in testicles did increase your testosterone a bit, it won’t even last for 1 hour. So it will not increase your baseline testosterone, which matters the most.

So what’s the point of eating testicles?

Clearly not for the fact that it might have a tiny amount of testosterone (or other sex hormones such as pregnenolone, DHEA, etc.).

Anyone who says it clearly doesn’t know (or is willingly ignoring the fact) that there aren’t any scientific studies to back up their claims.

I prefer to eat other highly nutrient-dense organ meats like liver and kidney. I’m not saying that it’s useless to eat testes (or that it has detrimental effects). But if your healthy diet is on point (the way I describe it), then adding testes is likely not going to do anything at all. It’s definitely not going to give you results anywhere close to anabolic steroids or even increase your testosterone compared to testosterone therapy.

A great diet plus natural testosterone boosters, such as Tongkat Ali, Ashwagandha, Shilajit, etc., are more likely to increase your own testosterone levels much more and higher compared to bull testes.

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Does sunlight on testicles increase testosterone?

Sunlight on testicles has been a topic of interest when it comes to testosterone levels. Some studies suggest that exposure to sunlight, particularly to the genital area, may have a positive impact on testosterone production. However, it is important to approach this topic with caution and consider the limited amount of research available.

Sunlight is rich in red infrared light, which has been shown to improve mitochondrial function, which could lead to higher testosterone production.

However direct testicular sunlight is not needed to boost testosterone. Simply getting sunlight on the rest of your body will have the same testosterone-boosting benefit.

Do bigger testicles make more testosterone

There is a positive correlation between testicular size and testosterone, but testicular size is rather an indication of sperm quantity, not testosterone production. Testosterone helps to boost sperm production by increasing sperm-producing cells. But a bigger nutsack doesn’t lead to higher testosterone, but rather the other way around.

Do beef testicles have testosterone?

Yes, but the amount is minimal. You need to eat 1kg of bull testicles to get 6-8mg of testosterone. Of that 6-8mg testosterone, only 5% will be absorbed in the gut. Of the remaining 0.3mg, 90% will be detoxed by the liver. This makes testicles a highly ineffective source of testosterone.

How do I get more testosterone in my testicles?

You can increase your testicular testosterone by increasing testicular cholesterol. Ginger, Fadogia and coconut oil are great for this. Also, eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals as they are essential for testosterone production.

Which foods increase testosterone the most?

Foods that increase testosterone include:

  • Oysters
  • Red meat
  • Organ meat
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Fruit

Read these articles for more testosterone-boosting foods:

What meat is best for testosterone?

The best meat for testosterone includes oysters and muscle and organ meat of lamb, beef and bison.

Does eating testicles increase testosterone?

Eating testicles doesn’t increase your circulating testosterone levels. Since the amount of testosterone found in testicles is too low and the absorption is too small.

I’ve increased my testosterone to 1254ng/dl naturally: Here’s my Step-by-Step Guide on How I Do It Naturally!

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