The top 7 ways to protect yourself against the damages of EMF with these foods and supplements


Few people know this, but EMF of most sorts, are toxic to the human body, and even fewer people know that some, if not most, of that damage can be prevented.

EMF stands for electromagnetic fields and EMFs aren’t just released from your modem. It’s also released from power lines, electrical wiring in your house, wireless appliances (smart phone, electrical shaver, electrical toothbrush, smart TVs, wireless keyboard and mouse, etc.), cell phone towers, etc, and even from the earth itself.

Most of the EMF we are exposed to daily is bad for us, but there are actually devices that use EMFs at a healing frequency that is beneficial for us, such as a PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic frequency) devices.

A few of the side effects induced by EMF/wifi include oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects (such as anxiety, depression, etc), apoptosis (cell death), cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes and calcium overload (R).

EMF/wifi also lowers melatonin, causes blood pressure disruption; erythrocyte damage, stimulates the growth of adipose stem cells (makes you fat), contributes to pancreatic endocrine dysfunction (development of diabetes), arrhythmia, (R)

This article is to inform you on how you can prevent the negatives of EMFs with certain foods and supplements. I’ll do a seperate article on how to protect yourself against EMF with devices, shieldings, etc. I’m definitely not one of those guys that will tell you to not own wifi, or a TV (ok maybe not a TV, they’re useless and waste your time), or a cellphone. I, for instance, make a living online. So instead of avoiding EMF completely, which would probably be best, rather find as many ways to mitigate the damage thereof.

So let’s jump right in.

The reason why EMFs are harmful is because they active voltage gates calcium channels.
These calcium channels, when activated, pump calcium into a cell, which is fundamental to normal cellular function and signalling. But the problem is that these channels are about 7000 times more sensitive to EMF than to our own body’s signals. So EMFs open these channels at a much higher rate than our body would do itself. Thus we end up with way too much intracellular calcium.

Intracellular calcium is excitatory and regulates a lot of functions in the cell, for instance, nitric oxide synthesis and release, glutamate (excitatory neurotransmitter) release, estrogen production (it activates the aromatase), activates muscle contraction, promotes the release of omega 6 from cell membranes to be used for the creation of inflammatory substances through the COX and LOX enzymes, just to name a few. 

An excess of all of these can be very harmful to the cells. Excess intracellular calcium, when not exported out of the cell fast enough can lead to calcification and cell death or uncontrollable cellular replication (cancer or tumor production).

Ok, so it’s bad for us, what can we do about it?

The first thing we can do is to block the excessive activation of calcium channels and make sure we’re pumping the excess calcium out of the cells.

#1 Use magnesium

Magnesium is the primary calcium antagonist and inhibits the calcium channels. How much do we need? It depends on how much EMF exposure you’re getting, but if you’re constantly bombarded with it, then take as much magnesium as you can before getting disaster pants. 

Here are additional calcium channel blockers apart from magnesium:

  • Androgens, such as DHEA, testosterone, DHT and androsterone
  • Cyproheptadine
  • Taurine
  • Cat’s claw

Two additional things you can do to lower intracellular calcium is to take vitamin K2 and boost ATP and carbon dioxide (CO2) production. Boosting overall energy production, ATP and CO2, will prevent the accumulation of intracellular calcium. ATP binds to magnesium and keeps it in the cell. A low energy state, where you have a high ratio of ADP to ATP, calcium accumulates and magnesium is excreted. So the sad news is that, you’ll have to take a boat load of magnesium if your energy production is low because your body will just waste the magnesium due to low ATP production.

Secondly, carbon dioxide (which is produced in higher quantities on a high carb diet compared to a low carb diet), transports the calcium out of the cell. Ray Peat even said that vitamin K2 can only prevent calcification if there is adequate CO2 production in the body.

You got to maximize ATP and CO2 production to get the best bang for you buck.

Let’s take it one step further. Once calcium gets into the cell it activates nitric oxide synthase, which stimulates the excess production of nitric oxide (NO). NO in small amounts is needed for tissue oxygenation, signalling, killing viruses, etc. But in huge amounts it causes tissue hypoxia, inhibits energy production and produces inflammation.

NO reacts with another free radical, superoxide, to form peroxynitrite (ONOO-), a very potent nonradical oxidant, which is the most central element of the cycle.

An excess of superoxide is produced due to a defective electron transport chain in the mitochondria. 

Peroxynitrate can lower eNOS (thus contributing to high blood pressure) but increases iNOS (which leads to even more NO production; iNOS creates a 1000 fold more NO than eNOS), lowers neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, promotes more oxidative stress, inflammation and DNA damage, depletes NAD+, breaks down CO2 into the following free radicals, hydroxyl (HO), carbonate (CO3) and NO2 radical (NO2), damages mitochondrial function, which leads to ATP and CO2 depletion (R; read this study, it’s very elaborate on the harmful effects of peroxynitrate; 34 reasons in fact).


So here are a few strategies to negate that.

#2 Block the synthesis of NO

I wrote a whole article on the negatives of excess NO so you can check that out if you want. Scroll to the bottom of that article for the supplements that block NOS.

> Nitric oxide: More than just a vasodilator

A good one I’ll mention here is methylene blue. Methylene blue potently inhibits excess NO production and also rescues defective energy production in the mitochondria, thus boosting ATP and CO2 production.

#3 Fix mitochondria function, especially the electron transport chain (ETC)

A combination of methylene blue, vitamin C, vitamin K2 and succinic acid can rescue a defective ETC, lower superoxide and increase ATP and CO2.

Exercise, proper sleep and stress management can also improve cellular function as well as the creation of brands new 100% functioning mitochondria.

ATP is needed for the enzymes that transport calcium out of the cells, so if ATP is low, intracellular calcium accumulates even if the calcium channels are inhibited.

#4 Increase Nrf2

This study’s title says it so perfectly: “Nrf2, a master regulator of detoxification and also antioxidant, antiinflammatory and other cytoprotective mechanisms, is raised by health
promoting factors“.

Nrf2 or nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2, is pretty impressive as it activates the transcription of over 500 genes in the human genome. Nrf2 and the system that regulates
Nrf2 lower inflammatory responses, improve mitochondrial function and stimulate autophagy, a process by which both toxic protein aggregates and dysfunctional organelles can be degraded.

Martin Pall has argued that many diseases are caused by the nitric oxide/peroxynitrate (NO/ONOO−) cycle, a vicious cycle mechanism involving oxidative stress, inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction.

Nrf2 inhibits iNOS (which contributes the most to peroxynitrate formation) and COX-2 and lowers peroxynitrate production and protects against the harmful effect of it. 

A few compounds that promote Nrf2 include:

  • Turmeric
  • Cruciferous foods
  • Sulfur rich foods
  • Quinones
    • Anthraquinone found in aloe latex, senna, rhubarb, cascara buckthorn, fungi, lichens, and some insects.
    • Naphthoquinone (Vitamin K is a derivative of 1,4-naphthoquinone). Other natural naphtoquinones include juglone (found in black walnut), lapachol (pau d arco tea),
    • Benzoquinone. Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring 1,4-benzoquinone.
    • Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) found in kiwi fruit.
  • γ (gamma) and δ (delta) tocopherols
  • α-lipoic acid
  • Carotenoids
  • Olives and olive oil due to being rich in phenolics and terpenoids
  • Purple sweet potatoes due to anthocyanin phenolics
  • Quercetin
  • Apigenin
  • Naringenin 
  • Kaempferol
  • Goldenberry extract
  • Sulforaphane
  • Shikonin, a natural anthraquinone derivative, lowers estrogen by modulates an
    estrogen enzyme by down-regulating the expression of steroid sulfatase, essential for estrogen biosynthesis (R, R)
  • Exercise – obviously it’s not a food, unless you’re talking about “exercise snacking” ;D

#5 Inhibit NMDA

NMDA activation increases intracellular calcium and the main NMDA receptor agonist is glutamate. Glutamate is increased in a low ATP state, which leads to more NMDA activation, more intracellular calcium and more ATP suppression.

Magnesium and theanine are two of the best natural NMDA receptor antagonists. Ketamine is a very effective drug, and relatively safe, that blocks the NMDA receptor.

#6 Improve thyroid function

Without adequate thyroid hormones your cells cannot create enough energy, and energy, ATP, and CO2 is very important to prevent the harmful effects of EMF. Thyroid is often overlooked and doctors are not very good at identifying hypothyroidism.

If you want to know which thyroid markers to test and how to interpret them, check out my article on that:

> How to interpret your thyroid tests to get rid of hypothyroid symptoms for good

#7 Induce uncoupling

Uncoupling proteins are a family of proteins located in the inner mitochondrial membrane that can dissociates oxidative phosphorylation from respiration, thereby promoting heat production and decreasing oxyradical production. Meaning, these proteins use the hydrogens that are pumped out of the mitochondria by the electron transport chain to create heat, instead of to drive the synthesis of ATP. This process also lowers superoxide and therefore, the possibility of the creation of peroxynitrate. A healthy amount of uncoupling is actually very healthy and can promote lifespan.

> How to induce uncoupling

If you get an excess of uncoupling, you can actually die of heat. This is how people die that overdose on the uncoupling drug, DNP.

But on a more positive note, uncoupling can protect us against EMF. There is research that shows that one of the uncoupling proteins, UCP4, can actually prevent the excess entry of calcium into cells (R).

Furthermore, UCP2 can reduce or prevent the activation of iNOS, reducing excess NO production.

Last but not least, like mentioned above, UCPs reduce the production of ROS, lowering total oxidative stress and protecting cells.

The fastest way to induce uncoupling is to use adrenal cortex, thyroid (T4 and T3), progesterone (R) and calcium. No wonder progesterone has the possibility of enhancing life span as it calms the cells and prevents excess intracellular calcium accumulation.

Additional methods include large doses of aspirin, methylene blue, salt, red meat, lots of glucose with fats and spices.

Curcumin (R), wild cabbage, Capsaicin, berberine, caffeine, Allyl-Containing Sulfides in Garlic (R), green tea (R), mint camphor (menthol), cinnamon, Chinese liquorice, panax ginseng, ellagic acid (found in black raspberries, pomegranates, etc.), bitter orange extract (R), cocoa, etc, etc., also aids in inducing various forms of UCPs. 

DNP can also be used but it’s not very safe, whereas Niclosamide appear to be effective and much safer.


So in total, use magnesium, boost your ATP and CO2 production and eat a diet rich in colorful fruits (or veggies if you’re into that). 

> 8 best ways to increase CO2 and gain its benefits



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6 thoughts on “The top 7 ways to protect yourself against the damages of EMF with these foods and supplements”

  1. What do you think about induction cookers? Whether they are harmful to our health and whether they affect on food (nutrients)?

    • I think they’re someone comparable to a regular stove or microwave, so I don’t think it’s harmful. They produce extremely low frequency radiation, similar to microwave radio frequency. So as long as you’re a few inches/feet away, you should be fine.
      In terms of affecting nutrients, I don’t think it’s worse than with regular cooking.

  2. Hey, Hans !! Great to hear from you.

    Magnesium is helpful indeed , I’m using a combo of magnesium bisglycinate & taurinate, together with P-5-P.

    I have some questions:
    • Just in terms of physiological stress, how harmful do you think it is when checking Wi-Fi setup and there’s 6/7/8 Wi-Fi’s reachable, maybe 1-2 I see are 5G and others probably regular 3-4G, about 70% of them are 5/5 strength and the rest 30% 4/5 / 3/5 strength ?
    • Is high or low/mediocre metabolism preferrable in high physiological stress state (for e.g. if lots of peroxynitrite is built up because of EMFs) ?
    • Do you have any good videos/explanations about this faraday shield / foil setting up in your room?
    • Where I could read more about Cyproheptadine and how it works?
    • Progesterone – aren’t we supposed to synthesize that ourselves? I remember even doing blood-test for progesterone 0,5 year ago, mine was actually too high for a man (naturally, no supps), interestingly.
    • Do you think aspirin would be helpful in anyway? How much should one take though for this?
    • And last question, do you think any specific foods would have an EMF protective effect, for example carrots or anything else?

    Huge thanks, brother.

    • Hey man,
      Sorry for the late reply.
      1) It depends on your sensitivity. I think it’s important to at least sleep in a zero wifi area.
      2) High metabolism for sure, as then it can buffer the stress/damage
      3) No sorry.
      4) You can check the forum, Georgi posted a study showing the cypro is a VGCC antagonist.
      5) Yes we create it ourselves, but it’s often too low due to stress. It usually goes up initially when stress rises, but if stress remains chronic, then it can dropdown. Progesterone is great for blunting stress.
      6) I like aspirin and I think it’s almost always helpful in one way or another. 300mg daily is a good amount, but higher is also good if stress is high.
      7) Just a good diet in general, containing milk, fruit, shellfish, gelatin, etc.


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